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Live Streaming for your auction on mobile without apps

Published on October 31st, 2018

App Free mobile webcast bidding is no longer science fiction.

With Webtron 5.0, auctioneers no longer lose bidders who find it ridiculous to go off your website to bid.

Imagine teleporting to the year 2025 and explaining to people that once upon a time, your bidders came to your website on a mobile phone or tablet and it didn’t work! Imagine the lost opportunities.

Then a company called Webtron made it possible for bidders to never leave your website. People could then start bidding straight away without having to go and download apps. 

Introducing app-free streaming auctions on mobile and tablets:

  • Client feedback excellent
  • Bidders love it 
  • Your competitors will hate it.
Live Video Streaming for your Auction on Mobile

Live streaming providing a more seamless experience for all users bidding on your website. No apps required! Available now on Webtron 5.0.


Is your auction platform at end of life? You might be at risk if:

1. You are running an old auction streaming platform;
2. Your bidders must download an app to stream to mobiles and tablets; and 
3. Your bidders are now getting pop-up warning messages every-time they login to a webcast auction on desktop.

If this sounds like you, here are a couple of articles worth reading:

Google’s latest Chrome update tightens the locks on Adobe Flash

What makes Flash so insecure and what are the alternatives?

#AuctionSoftware 5.0 setting a new benchmark

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