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🕒 Webtron AI Lotting vs. CSV Spreadsheet Lotting

Published on February 20th, 2025

The comparison between Webtron AI catalogue lotting and traditional CSV spreadsheet catalogue lotting demonstrated a clear advantage for the AI-powered tool. During the speed test, both methods were used to process auction lots after photos were taken. The Webtron AI catalogue lotting tool quickly analysed the images, extracting key details like serial numbers and manufacturing information, and automatically generated lot descriptions. In contrast, the CSV spreadsheet catalogue lotting required manual data entry for each lot, making it a much slower and more tedious process. Timers on the screen highlighted the performance gap, with the Webtron AI catalogue lotting completing the task in record time, outperforming the CSV method. This marked a significant advancement in online auction technology, giving auctioneers a smarter, more efficient approach to catalogue preparation.

The speed test results further emphasized the efficiency gains with Webtron AI catalogue lotting. The AI tool analysed the photos and generated lot descriptions in just 29 seconds, while the CSV spreadsheet method took 1 minute and 56 seconds to manually fill out the same information. When scaled up to 100 lots, the AI catalogue lotting would take approximately 48 minutes, compared to 3 hours and 13 minutes using the CSV spreadsheet. This revealed that Webtron AI catalogue lotting is 75% faster than traditional methods, offering auctioneers a game-changing solution to drastically reduce catalogue preparation time and streamline the lotting process.

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