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SocialStream+ and building engagement across Social Media

Published on December 3rd, 2018

With the Webtron Auction Platform, your live webcasts are no longer limited to just your website. Stream live auctions simultaneously in Facebook and Youtube.

Just imagine the engagement levels you could achieve across some of the biggest social media platforms in the world including facebook and YouTube. You’d think that you would have to use multiple apps, computers and more streaming software to do all of that at the same time, right? Not anymore.

Introducing Webtron SocialStream+

Using your one live stream in Webtron, your webcast auction audio and video is sent straight into your social media feeds. Here’s the opportunity:

  • Engage your followers
  • Promote your live auction event in social media
  • Alert potential bidders you have an auction running
  • Add more bidders to your live auction
  • Be the first to take advantage of social streaming & drive sales

The proof is in the numbers.

A delighted Webtron Auction Client reports spectacular results simultaneously streaming into Facebook Live reports:

Over a thousand people who watched the video in their newsfeed. That’s around one third of the number of people the post reached – without paying to boost it in the Facebook newsfeed.

Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. It’s time for you to capitalise on this Webtron industry innovation.

When opportunities like these present themselves, it’s a case of early bird gets the worm.

Is your auction platform at end of life? You might be at risk if:

1. You are running an old auction streaming platform;
2. Your bidders must download an app to stream to mobiles and tablets; and
3. Your bidders are now getting pop-up warning messages every-time they login to a webcast auction on desktop.

If this sounds like you, here are a couple of articles worth reading:

Google’s latest Chrome update tightens the locks on Adobe Flash

What makes Flash so insecure and what are the alternatives?

#AuctionSoftware 5.0 setting a new benchmark

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